Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Art : a human rights perspective to intellectual property rights

Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Art : a human rights perspective to intellectual property rights We would like to kindly invite you to the scientific event under the title “Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Art : a human rights perspective to intellectual property rights” that is going to take place online on 22.05.2024, in the context of “MA in Art Law and Arts Management“. Guest Speaker: Eleni Polymenopoulou, Associate Professor, Hamad Bin Khalifa University, College of Law, Qatar Foundation and Adjunct Associate Professor Georgetown University Qatar Date: 22.05.2024 (19:00-20:00) Access: free Mode: online (through zoom platform) Language: English Upon the completion of your registration, you will receive the zoom [...]

2024-05-15T13:49:07+03:00Wed, 15 May '24|Events, News|

Conference on “The Energy Charter Treaty and Dispute Resolution Mechanisms”, [5/10/2024]

Conference on "The Energy Charter Treaty and Dispute Resolution Mechanisms", [5/10/2024] The International Hellenic University (in the context of the “MSc in Energy Law, Business, Regulation and Policy” and the “LLM in Transnational and European Commercial Law, Banking Law, Arbitration/Mediation” postgraduate programmes) in collaboration with the University of Cyprus are delighted to announce a conference on “The Energy Charter Treaty and Dispute Resolution Mechanisms” to be held on October 5th, 2024, in the vibrant city of Thessaloniki, Greece. More ...

2024-04-20T16:02:04+03:00Sat, 20 Apr '24|News, SHSSE News|

Derivatives for Energy

Derivatives for Energy We would like to kindly invite you to the scientific event under the title “Derivatives for Energy“, that is going to take place online on 15.05.2024, in the context of "MSc in Energy Law, Business, Regulation and Policy" Guest Speaker: Professor Dimitris Psychoyios, Vice President at Regulatory Authority for Waste, Energy and Water - Chairman, Water Services Regulation Sector Date: 15.05.2024 (16:30-17:30)* Access: free Mode: online (through zoom platform) Language: English Upon the completion of your registration, you will receive the zoom link. *Please note that the time of the IHU Lecture has been changed from 18:00 [...]

2024-05-13T15:37:41+03:00Fri, 19 Apr '24|Events, News|

Honorary Degree Conferment Ceremony on the first President of the Governing Board of the International Hellenic University Prof. Costas Th. Grammenos

Honorary Degree Conferment Ceremony on the first President of the Governing Board of the International Hellenic University Prof. Costas Th. Grammenos The Rector of the International Hellenic University, Prof. Stamatis Aggelopoulos, and the Dean of the School of Humanities, Social Sciences and Economics, Prof. Manolis Manoledakis have the honor to invite you to the Conferment of an Honorary Doctorate of the School of Humanities, Social Sciences and Economics on Prof. Costas Th. Grammenos, the first President of the International Hellenic University (2005-2019). The ceremony will take place on Wednesday, 17 April 2024, 18:30 p.m. at the Main Auditorium of [...]

2024-03-16T06:00:04+02:00Fri, 15 Mar '24|News|

Ο Ενεργειακός Διαμεσολαβητής της ΡΑΑΕΥ – Αρμοδιότητες και Διαδικασία

Ο Ενεργειακός Διαμεσολαβητής της ΡΑΑΕΥ - Αρμοδιότητες και Διαδικασία Σας προσκαλούμε στην εκδήλωση με θέμα “Ο Ενεργειακός Διαμεσολαβητής της ΡΑΑΕΥ - Αρμοδιότητες και Διαδικασία” με επίτιμο προσκεκλημένο και Εισηγητή τον Καθηγητή κ. Κομνηνό Κόμνιο, ΔΙΠΑΕ, μέλος της Ολομέλειας ΡΑΑΕΥ, Ενεργειακό Διαμεσολαβητή ΡΑΑΕΥ, την οποία διοργανώνει το Διεθνές Πανεπιστήμιο της Ελλάδος, στo πλαίσιo του ΠΜΣ «Δίκαιο της Ενέργειας, Επιχειρήσεις, Ρυθμιστική και Ενεργειακή Πολιτική», την Τετάρτη 27/03/2024 και ώρες 18:30-19:30, διαδικτυακά. Η εκδήλωση θα πραγματοποιηθεί μέσω της πλατφόρμας Zoom. Απαραίτητη η εγγραφή μέσω του ακόλουθου συνδέσμου: Με την ολοκλήρωση της εγγραφής λαμβάνετε αυτόματα το Zoom link για την παρακολούθηση της [...]

2024-03-13T10:17:16+02:00Tue, 12 Mar '24|Events, News|

+100 Scholarships for the Academic Year 2024-2025 by the Union of Greek Shipowners

+100 Scholarships for the Academic Year 2024-2025 by the Union of Greek Shipowners The Union of Greek Shipowners grants +100 scholarships for postgraduate studies of a pre-doctorate level in Greece and abroad for the academic year of 2024-2025. Please note that the deadline for the submission of applications is April 25, 2024. For more information click here (in Greek).

2024-03-05T17:07:50+02:00Tue, 05 Mar '24|News|

Academic partnership between the International Hellenic University and the Amity University India

Academic partnership between the International Hellenic University and the Amity University India In the context of the IHU’s internationalization, we are delighted to announce that the International Hellenic University has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Amity University of India. The MOU was facilitated by Study in Greece. The MOU focuses on academic and educational cooperation in the following areas: promoting the exchange of students (at all levels) credit transfer facilitation faculty mobility application of e-learning and distance learning technologies collaborative research and projects short duration student mobility lectures, symposia and joint events summer programs [...]

2024-02-01T14:14:20+02:00Thu, 01 Feb '24|News|
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