University Center of International Programmes of Studies (UCIPS)

The International Hellenic University (IHU) was initially established by Law (No 3391/2005) and was based in Thessaloniki, Greece. The IHU was Greece’s first public university where programmes were taught exclusively in English comprised three (3) Schools which offered twenty-four (24) master programmes.

The International Hellenic University was re-established by Law (No 4610/2019), is based in Thessaloniki, comprises nine (9) Schools and thirty-three (33) Departments and is located in Thessaloniki, Kavala, Serres, Drama, Katerini, Kilkis, Didymoteicho. The two Schools (School of Humanities, Social Sciences and Economics and the School of Science and Technology) of the IHU belong to the University Center of International Programmes of Studies (UCIPS) of the International Hellenic University offering programmes that are taught exclusively in English.

The UCIPS, developed to facilitate modern learning methods, is situated on a 16,000m² campus outside Thessaloniki, the second largest city in Greece with an uninterrupted history of 2,300 years. Our state-of-the-art facilities, such as virtual classrooms, electronic library, IT labs, Digital Manufacturing and Materials Characterization Laboratory, Molecular Ecology/Molecular Biology Lab, as well as the storage room of the finds of the University’s archaeological excavation at Neo Rysio, create an environment conducive for higher learning and research for our students.

School of Humanities,
Social Sciences and Economics

Department of Humanities,
Social Sciences and Economics

School of Science and

Department of Science and


International Hellenic University
14th km Thessaloniki – N. Moudania
57001 Thermi, Thessaloniki, Greece