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So far www.ihu.gr has created 767 blog entries.

On line IHU Lecture ”The Stern Collection: The legal and moral implications of the Greek government’s deal with a private collector”

On line IHU Lecture ”The Stern Collection: The legal and moral implications of the Greek government’s deal with a private collector” We are pleased and honored to invite you to attend the online IHU lecture: The Stern Collection: The legal and moral implications of the Greek government’s deal with a private collector“ Keynote Speaker: Angelos Chaniotis, Professor of Ancient History and Classics, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton. The IHU lecture is organized by International Hellenic University, online, on Wednesday 19 March   2025  time: 19:00-21:00 in the context of the “MA in Art Law and Arts Management" Postgraduate Programme. The IHU lecture will be offered through the zoom platform. REGISTRATION FORM After the completion of [...]

2025-02-11T14:06:04+02:00Tue, 11 Feb '25|Events|

60min with a Manager seminar series: Insights on Hotel Commercial Departments

60min with a Manager seminar series: Insights on Hotel Commercial Departments Inspiring Insights from the Industry! We were excited to host a “60min with a Manager” series seminar, featuring Manolis Tsagkarakis, General Manager of Porto Elounda & Elounda Peninsula at Elounda Collection Hotels & Resorts. Topic: The Structure of the Commercial Department in a Hotel Chain Students from the MSc in Hospitality and Tourism Management and MSc in Management programs at the International Hellenic University gained invaluable knowledge about managing commercial operations in a competitive industry. Thank you, Mr. Tsagkarakis, for sharing your expertise and inspiring the next generation of leaders! #HospitalityManagement #TourismEducation #EloundaHotels #IHU #FutureLeaders #HotelIndustry [...]

2025-02-08T11:15:37+02:00Sat, 08 Feb '25|News|

Call for expression of interest for students enrolled for the academic year 2024-2025 to study without tuition fees in the Postgraduate Programs of the Department of Humanities, Social Sciences and Economics, of the Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Economics, of the University Center for International Programmes of Studies

Call for expression of interest for students enrolled for the academic year 2024-2025 to study without tuition fees in the Postgraduate Programs of the Department of Humanities, Social Sciences and Economics, of the Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Economics, of the University Center for International Programmes of Studies Call for Expression of Interest Web Application Form ΠΡΟΣΚΛΗΣΗ ΕΚΔΗΛΩΣΗΣ ΕΝΔΙΑΦΕΡΟΝΤΟΣ ΦΕΚ 4899 Β, 16.09.2022 ΦΕΚ 2515 Β, 26-4-2024

2025-02-10T10:42:34+02:00Fri, 07 Feb '25|News, SHSSE News|

“Greek as a Foreign Language” an elective course for the international students of the International Hellenic University launches for the spring semester

"Greek as a Foreign Language" an elective course for the international students of the International Hellenic University launches for the spring semester We are delighted by the growing popularity of the elective course, “Greek as a Foreign Language.” Organized by the Department of Organizations, Marketing, and Tourism, the course has become a favorite among foreign students, with an increasing number incorporating it into their studies. Part of the International and European Programs Office’s initiatives, the course not only equips students with Greek language skills but also fosters cultural exchange and community.   “This program reflects our commitment to [...]

2025-02-06T15:57:39+02:00Thu, 06 Feb '25|News|

Online Event on “Nuclear Power in EU Energy Policy” by Mr J. Panek, European Commission

Online Event on "Nuclear Power in EU Energy Policy" by Mr J. Panek, European Commission The "MSc in Energy Law, Business, Regulation and Policy" postgraduate programme of I.H.U. invites you to the scientific event under the title “Nuclear Power in EU Energy Policy“, that is going to take place online on 18.02.2025. We are extremely honored to welcome Mr. Jan Panek, Deputy-Director General at the European Commission, a renowned expert in Nuclear Energy, Safety and ITER to shed light on the issue in subject of extremely high interest! Date: 18.02.2025 (18:00-19:00 Athens Time- EEST) Access: free Mode: online [...]

2025-02-03T12:06:44+02:00Mon, 03 Feb '25|Events|

60min with a manager: The structure of the Commercial department in a hotel chain

60min with a manager: The structure of the Commercial department in a hotel chain REGISTRATION FORM About Manolis Tsagkarakis: With over 20 years of professional experience, Mr. Tsagkarakis has held key management positions in Greek and multinational companies across various industries. Notably, he possesses more than a decade of experience in a leading hotel group (Domes Resorts), specializing in commercial management and strategic development. As of 2025, he has taken over a new position as General Manager at Elounda Peninsula & Porto Elounda which belong to the Elounda Collection Hotels & Resorts and he will oversee the overall commercial strategy, along [...]

2025-01-27T17:59:18+02:00Mon, 27 Jan '25|Events|

Welcoming the multicultural #IHU_Executive_MBA Class of 2025

Welcoming the multicultural #IHU_Executive_MBA Class of 2025 We are delighted to welcome the #IHU_Executive_MBA Class of 2025, a diverse and multicultural group of Executives: - from Bulgaria, Canada, France, Greece, Spain and Switzerland - 55% females and 45% males - average age 39 years old - some of them already hold an IHU Master’s degree - 100% of them motivated, enthusiastic and ready to start their personal and professional journey We are so happy to have you all at our IHU family! Best wishes for a fruitful and enriching educational experience!

2025-01-17T15:53:33+02:00Fri, 17 Jan '25|News|
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