702, 2025www.ihu.gr2025-02-10T10:42:34+02:00Call for expression of interest for students enrolled for the academic year 2024-2025 to study without tuition fees in the Postgraduate Programs of the Department of Humanities, Social Sciences and Economics, of the Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Economics, of the University Center for International Programmes of Studies
1312, 2024www.ihu.gr2024-12-13T09:44:30+02:00IHU MSc in Banking Financial Technology (Fintech) and Risk Management was recently certified by the Hellenic Authority for Higher Education
1212, 2024www.ihu.gr2024-12-13T09:37:42+02:00IHU MSc in International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation programme was recently certified by the Hellenic Authority for Higher Education
1112, 2024www.ihu.gr2024-12-13T09:30:22+02:00IHU Executive MBA programme was recently certified by the Hellenic Authority for Higher Education
1410, 2024www.ihu.gr2024-10-14T15:14:21+03:00The Web portal “Study in Greece” interviewed the Director of the of the MSc in Mobile and Web Computing Internet of Things Applications Professor Christos Tjortjis
2609, 2024www.ihu.gr2024-09-26T14:29:11+03:00ΠΡΟΚΗΡΥΞΗ ΕΚΛΟΓΩΝ για την ανάδειξη εκπροσώπων των φοιτητών και των αναπληρωτών τους στη Συνέλευση του Τμήματος Ανθρωπιστικών Κοινωνικών και Οικονομικών Επιστημών της Μονοτμηματικής Σχολής Ανθρωπιστικών Κοινωνικών και Οικονομικών Επιστημών του ΔΙ.ΠΑ.Ε. με θητεία από 1-1-2025 έως 31-12-2025
2004, 2024www.ihu.gr2024-04-20T16:02:04+03:00Conference on “The Energy Charter Treaty and Dispute Resolution Mechanisms”, [5/10/2024]