Energy and Climate Change

Teaching Hours and Credit Allocation: 30 Hours, 6 Credits
Course Assessment: Exam & Coursework


This course will focus on policies to manage energy resources in a carbon-constrained world. In particular, course is to provide students with a deep understanding of the concept of climate change in order to give them the ability to identify the problems associated with it in the energy industry. It will address strategic energy management at different scales – firm level, national level and global level – as the basic principles are similar across all scales of energy systems. Modification and adaptation strategies and policies pursued to confront these problems will be the focus of the course, considering geographic conditions and economic characteristics. On completing the course students will be able to: – Understand key terms of energy management at national and corporate level – Perform calculations of energy system indicators and financial appraisals of energy investments – Familiarize themselves with basic elements of corporate strategic planning – Comprehend basic priorities of national and global energy policies and their trade-offs. The course consists of 30 hours of class time, comprising a formal lecture, joint solution of numerical examples and participative discussion and debate.