Human Computer Interaction, Design and User Experience

Teaching Hours and Credit Allocation: 16 Hours, 3 Credits

Course Assessment: Exam & Coursework

Computers have been a part of every aspect of human life for quite a while. A vast number of computing technologies, paradigms, architectures, solutions, applications etc. were born, evolved, matured and died, to give their place in new ones that can harness the ever growing potential of a continuously evolving landscape. Human creativity and ingenuity has played a crucial role in these developments. However, the software market has gone beyond discovering new technologies or improving the existing ones. Except from being operational, software has to be not just easy to use but also intuitive, engaging and pleasant. Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) is a field that addresses the need to create user interfaces that can improve user experience, increase productivity while at the same time providing an environment that is safe and comfortable. HCI involves a confluence of many different disciplines, such as graphic design, cognitive science and psychology, education etc. Therefore, a familiarization of basic concepts of non-computing fields is necessary.

The aim of the course is to familiarize the students with the emerging trends in human computer interaction, like the newly introduced commercial sensors (Kinect, Oculus Rift, Emotiv, Leap Motion, Google Glasses, e.t.c.). Unconventional means of human computer communication, exploring human behavior analysis (facial expressions, emotions and body actions recognition, gaze detection e.t.c.) will be investigated and the way its use improves user experience will be thoroughly analyzed.