Book Catalogue

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Borrowing material

All library members have the right to borrow material.

The time period that a user may borrow material depends on the user category:
EMBA Students up to 5 books for 35 days
Full-time and Part-time MSc Students up to 5 books for 5 or 15 days
Academic Staff up to 5 books for 5, 15 or 30 days
Administration Staff up to 3 books for 5 or 15 days
Alumni up to 2 books for 5 or 15 days

The following signs on the book spine indicate:
green dot = 5 days loan
magenta dot = can’t circulate
yellow dot = reference material, can’t circulate

The material is inspected when borrowed and returned. In case of damage, a fine will be charged accordingly by the Library.

Please remember that: you are responsible for all items borrowed on your ID card until they are returned and cleared from your record.