Press and Travel Trade Relations


Teaching Hours and Credit Allocation: 16 Hours, 3 Credits
Course Assessment: Coursework & Exam



The aim of the course is to explain how travel media and trade relations work on a national and regional level and how tourism enterprises or destinations can engage with media and trade to generate business, by analyzing the various traditional and non-traditional types of media and how we reach them in order to establish with them a concrete and long-term relationship. All the necessary marketing tools like invitations, press releases, press kits, press conferences etc will be analyzed giving emphasis to the ‘power’ of social media. Furthermore, the course examines the fam and press trips, their evaluation, as well as the strategy of the after the visit communication. Overall, the course will help the participants to better understand and handle the travel and media trade so to create alliances and help the Public Relations Department to achieve its goals.


Tourism Management